Monday, August 11, 2008

Input & Output= What?

Like your PS3 and your tv's, PC's also have input & output.

Input is data or instructions entered to the memory of the computer. There are many kinds of input; input devices, voice input, audio input, video input, and a whole other stuff. Basicly, any gadget that you plug in to your PC to give orders to it is input.

Output is the contrary of input. It's data that's been processed into a useful form. Stuff like monitors, speakers and printers are examples of output devices.

And that, ladies and gentlemen, are input and output. You digg..........

PC & Internet Skillz......

I've been using the PC and the internet for years but I know my skillz with it is not enough.
I want yo learn more. ME WANT MORE. For Example, I want to know how to make and publish my own website, and learn how to make flash animation. That's quiet cool.

But the number one thing I want to learn is making my own video games. I don't want to make some crappy game, but a full-on, hardcore, badass game with great graphics and great gameplay.

But, I can only dream...........