Monday, May 30, 2011

Artsy Fartsy Photography II

Photography is always about capturing moments.
That's always my philosophy in photography.
Capturing that precise moment that project emotions like happiness, sadness, the feeling of speed, etc.
This is my latests shots. I do appreciate comments on improving my photography skills.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Amethyst Rocks

What I got, come and get some,
get on up, hustler of culture.

I stand on the corner of the block slinging amethyst rocks,
drinking 40s of mother earth's private nectar stock,
dodging cops, cuz' 50 be the 666 and I need a fix of that purple rain:
the type of shit that drives membranes insane.
Oh yeah, I'm in the fast lane snorting candy yams
that free my body and soul and send me like Shazaam,
never question who I am. God knows, and I know God personally,
infact he lets me call him "me",
I be one with rain and stars and things
with dancing feet and watermelon rings,
I brings the sunshine and the moon,
and the wind blows my tune.
Meanwhile I spoon powdered drumbeats into plastic bags,
selling kilos of kintae skag, taking drags off of collards
and cornbread, freebasing through saxophones and flutes like mad.
The high notes make me space-float,
I be exhaling in rings that circle Saturn,
leaving stains in my veins in astrological patterns.
Yeah I'm serious B, doggone niggers plotted shit lovely,
but the feds is also plotting me,
they're trying to imprison my astrology,
put my stars behind bars, my stars and stripes,
using blood-splattered banners as nationalist kites,
but I control the wind, that's why the call it the hawk.
I am Horus, son of Isis, son of Osirus, worshipped as Jesus,
resurrected like Lazarus, but you can call my Lazzy, lazy,
yeah I'm lazy because I'd rather sit and build
and work on top of a field and worship the
daily yield of cash green crops,
your evolution stopped the evolution of your technology:
a society of automatic tellers and money machines.
Nigga' what, my culture is lima beans and tambourines,
dreams, manifest dreams real, not consistent with rationale,
I dance for no reason, for reason you can't dance,
call me an activist of intellectualized circumstance,
you can't learn my steps until you unlearn your thoughts,
spirit, soul, can be store-bought, fuck thought,
leads to naught, simply leads to you trying to figure me out,
your intellect's disfiguring your soul,
your being's not whole, check your flagpole,
stars and stripes, your astrology's
imprisoned by your concept of white, of self,
what's your plan for spiritual health? Calling reality unreal,
your line of thought is tangled, the star
spangled got your soul mangled, your being's angled,
forbidding you to be real and feel, you can't find truth
with an axe or a drill in a white house on a hill or
in factories or plants made of steel. Selling us was the
smartest thing you ever did, too bad you don't teach the
truth to your kids. My influence on user reflection you
see when you look in your minstrel mirror and talk about
your culture, your existence is that of a schizophrenic
vulture who thinks he has enough life in him to prey on the dead,
not knowing that the dead ain't dead, that he ain't got enough
spirituality to know how to pray. Yeah, there's no repentance,
you're bound to live in infinite consecutive executive life sentence.
So while you're busy serving time I'll be in sync with the
moon while you run from the sun. Life of the moon,
reflected by guns, worship of moons, I am the sun,
and I am public enemy number one, one one one, one one one,
that's seven. And I'll be out on the block, hustling culture,
slinging amethyst rocks.

-Saul Williams

Sunday, May 22, 2011

End of a Search

I finally got it.
It slipped from me one time,
and I finally got it.

The difference is that this one is carbonated and I think those gases makes it more tasty. Oh, its also more expensive. This one I've bought for RM2.60.

But its worth it and it makes me look so very cool.

Friday, May 20, 2011

The Void

It's empty.
With it gone, there's a void,
longing for it to be filled.
It used to be filled with a big, black, hard entity.
But now, its just filled with an empty air of sorrow.

No, I'm not talking anything remotely close to porn, you pervs.
My PS3 is sent out for repairs.
And it getting a little to quiet in my house.
With no explosions from Modern Warfare 2,
no tire screech from GT5.

Damn, its too quiet.
Gotta find something to make some noise pollution.
Here it is.
THE VUVUZELA!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, May 15, 2011

On The Other Side

Have you been on the other side of anything???
I think I've done the ultimate on being on the other side of anything.
On the opposition side of a football match,
and to add to that ultimate factor, its Selangor vs. Kelantan.
KE-freakin-LANTAN dude.

First of all, let me tell you this, the supporters are funny as hell.
When they heckle the players, it's the funniest thing you've ever heard.
And I don't understand shit what are they talking about.
Not a single word.
Zip. Zero. Nada.
But, its still funny as hell.

Yes, I'm a Selangorian, and yes, I support Selangor.
But, I just want to know how the supporters who really love their team support them.
Thus, Selangor vs. Kelantan is the perfect opportunity to know how.
Even before the match start I'm super disappointed with the Selangor supporters.
Only one part of the home side supporters if packed but not the rest.

Yes, its really only that much

Kelantan supporters come in droves, buses, and whatever transport they can get on to support their team.


That's inside, but on the outside of the stadium, there's police trucks, FRU's and even police on horses (which I'm very terrified of). But, really guys, police on horses??? Do you have to go to that extent?
I wasn't alone to the stadium, that would be suicide. So, the kartel is out and about that night.

The man responsible for me sitting in the Kelantan Support Zone

I'm a Selangorian and I support Kelantan. (Its a scarf on my head).

And that night, Selangor was destroyed by Kelantan.

That's the half time score. Can't see it, refer picture below

Yeah, bitches. 3 fuckin nil.

Later in the match.

Kelantan scored another goal.....

....and another (Yes, I have a wet armpit, it was 30 celcius in the freaking stadium you bastards)

Selangor (finally) scored a goal in the dying minutes and Apek (the keeper) was pissed as having a hissy fit. Chillax dude, you've already won.

And to add to the night, we got some free food.
So, that's it. Now, I'm gonna lick my wounds because of yesterdays futsal game.

Monday, May 2, 2011

K.O Wreck: The Story

Yo, heres my story.

Here is the fabled true story of a man,
livin' his life without care but for his friends,
and the world he lives in is just black and white,
without any greys between them, like a greyhound taking stride,
he takes challenges in life like he took on fights,
kickin' their asses down, showing them his might,
although small bodied, but his heart is gold,
but one thing that makes him different, his soul is cold,
as cold as ice, when you touch him, you'll freeze,
everybody gets away from him, trying to breathe,
his aura fills the room, like clogged air,
and his eyes is full of sadness and despair,
his in disrepair, but no worries,
he still has life in between his homies,
with this he runs his town,
he puts his fist down hard like a G6 touchin' down,
everything he says, its a must do,
if not, boom, here comes words like the wind blew,
with words so hard its hard to see why,
in this world why god ain't given him wing to fly,
well, not right now, but soon he will be,
flying like a falcon and the world will now see,
him as god intended to,
like the Jedi in Star Wars, Mace Windu.
This is not a full stop to his story yet,
but just another chapter put to bed,
but wait until its finale,
then you'll see how great he will be.
