Saturday, August 22, 2009

Ramadhan Al-Mubarak

Have you questioned yourself about you purpose in this world?

What's your mission?

Are you put in this earth to make a change?

And what kind of change is it?

Some may have found the answer.

And that some is me.

This morning,

my eyes were opened to the glory of Allah,

and now I know my purpose on this earth.

To be a good muslim,

be a good son,

and make my La Raza proud in any way possible.

Happy Ramadhan Al-Mubarak.

Ahlan Wa Sahlan Ya Ramadhan, bila berlabuhnya matahari petang ini, digarinya syayatin, dibukanya pintu surga, bermulanya bulan penuh rahmat dan maghfirah-Nya, RAMADHAN KARIM


u r so mean! said...

selamat berpuase Don Kowreck!!
Ade mase nnt kite berbuke same2 ye..

Ucapan ikhlas dr Consiglieri Muhaimin..hehehe :)

Unknown said...

selamat berpuasa bro..semoga bertambah amal ibadat.Mari kita meraikan bulan ramadhan dengan pesta ibadat!

HaPPy_MiroHu said...

selamat berpuasa nizam..
semoga ada perubahan baru dlm diri dan blog anda!

ezwar rusydan said...

u dont even know how 2 niat,how come want to fast?haiya..